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Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Week 6, the term is flying along, and the year is almost over. Teachers are hard at work writing end of semester reports which will be sent home in Week 9, Friday 13th of December. Please keep teachers in your thoughts and prayers during this time as they undertake this important work. Many hours are spent outside of the school day preparing these important documents. I believe that the comments, in many ways, are more important than the grade assigned as they take into account learning behaviours, attitudes and effort. An accurate assessment of these areas is not always clear when only using the A-E reporting scale. As always if you have any concerns regarding your child's progress, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.
Parish Mass
It was lovely to see many of our students presented as candidates for Reconciliation to the parish community on Sunday. Thank you to Mrs Burns for all your work coordinating this Mass for our community.
Working Bee on Sunday
If you have some time, please volunteer for even an hour on Sunday morning. The working bee is an important part of our maintenance schedule, and we rely heavily on parental support. We will provide a pizza lunch for all volunteers. Please consider volunteering some time as an 80th birthday present to Mr Marsham! If possible please bring along a rake, shovel and/or wheelbarrow
Carline and Car-park
As you may be aware, access to our school site can be challenging. Carline is a drive-through drop-off or drive-through pick-up zone. This is to maximise the number of cars driving into the school zone and to make drop-off and pick-up as quick as possible. To ensure that traffic flows as smoothly as possible through the school site, please ensure that you do not park in the carline and ensure that students get into cars in an efficient and safe manner. In the same breath, I do ask that parents use the crossings to cross the carpark. There have been a couple of near misses in recent weeks with people walking out from behind cars. We have been lucky that the drivers have been alert and driving slowly, which has avoided accidents occurring.
Parents and visitors are welcome to park in the staff car-park at any time if there are vacant spaces. Please do not double-park in the staff car-park at any time. Often staff members need to leave school during the day to attend meetings off-site.
Morning Arrival
Thanks to those parents who have helped to ensure students have been picked up by 3:30 pm each day. There has been a marked improvement in the number of students left after carline finishes. Unfortunately, there has been a rise in the number of students who are arriving before 8:30 am. A reminder that supervision begins at 8:30 am. You may like to consider a short stay option through OSHClub if this is an issue for your family.
Thank you to those parents who wrote to me regarding class considerations for 2020. We will begin the process of placing students into classes shortly. As you can imagine, this is quite a difficult and involved task as we look to balance the needs of every student, teacher and parent. I thank you in advance for your understanding as we complete this process.
Blessings and best wishes
Sean Rutledge
Sunday Gospel: Luke 23:35-43,Christ the King – Year C
In this week’s Gospel, Luke takes us to the last moments of Jesus' life, as he hangs upon the cross. The ridicule he endures from the leaders of the people (Note: not the people as a whole) and the soldiers rests upon a worldly understanding of kingship. If this man is indeed the ‘King of the Jews’ as he has been made out to be and as the title above his cross asserts, then he ought to be able to bring the kind of ‘salvation’ the world understands: in the first instance rescue for himself from the death that imminently awaits him. The soldiers and thief on his left crucified with him join in the mockery. The man dying on Jesus’ right, however, turns everything around. He proclaims Jesus’ innocence and then, addressing him by his name, simply asks: ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ The plea acknowledges that Jesus is King but recognises as well that his kingdom is not simply identifiable with kingship and authority as conventionally understood, upon which the mockery of the others rested.
Reconciliation Retreat day
On Tuesday, 26th November, there will be a Reconciliation Retreat Day at Holy Trinity, Curtin. Parents of children in Year 3 would have already received a permission note regrading this. I wanted to clarify, in case it was unclear, that all Year 3 students from Saints Peter and Paul and Holy Trinity will attend this day, as well as children from other schools who are receiving the Sacrament. Although the day is called a Reconciliation Retreat Day, the activities on the day will be inclusive of all students attending, and will further support the learning that has been happening in Religious Education across our Stage 2 classrooms this term. In the past, many students have described these days as highly enjoyable and engaging, and I am sure this day will be too.
If you have any questions about the day, please don’t not hesitate to contact me, or your child’s classroom teacher to discuss.
Please Note a message from Fr John Woods:
Dear Parents and Carers,
Due to a number of factors the Celebration of First Reconciliation will now commence at 6.30pm NOT as previously notified at 7pm, Thursday, 28 November.
Again, please note that First Reconciliation Celebration will commence at 6.30pm.
I thank you for your understanding and apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Kind Regards
Monsignor John Woods
Parish Priest
North Woden
Parish of the Transfiguration
Reconciliation and Parish Mass
On Sunday, 17th November at 9:30am, our parish celebrated our Term 4 Parish School Mass, and candidates for First Reconciliation were presented to the community.
It was wonderful to see so many families and staff in attendance to support our Year 3 students who are receiving this important Sacrament.
Fr John and Catherine (the Parish secretary) have requested that I issue another reminder that all families who have enrolled their child to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, to ensure that they have submitted to the parish a copy of their child’s Baptismal Certificate (not needed if your child was baptised in our parish). This is vital, as your child cannot participate in the sacrament if it has not been received.
Dates for your Diary:
Thursday 21st November – Values Assembly on Mission and Service led by 3/4 Blue
Tuesday 26th November – Reconciliation Retreat Day for all Year 3 students
Thursday 28th November – Sacrament of Reconciliation, 7:00pm at Holy Trinity Church.
Tuesday 10th December – Kinder Nativity 2:15pm.
Blessings for the week ahead,
Stephanie Burns
Religious Education Coordinator
Week 7, Term 4
Time | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9 - 11.30 |
Nick I Maggie L |
Eleen B Llewella J Simone B |
Liz M Katherine J Megan W |
Thank you helpers; your assistance is very much appreciated.
Please contact me if you are unable to make your shift or able to help, Thank you.
Fruit incentive ticket WINNER for last week was Isabella T, 1M.
Congratulations Isabella, you have won a $2.00 voucher, to spend at the canteen.
Please see Mrs R at the canteen to collect your voucher.
Do you want to win a $2 voucher to spend at the canteen? Simply purchase fresh or frozen fresh fruit from the canteen and be in the weekly draw to WIN!!!
Thank you, Lauretta Raccosta, Canteen Manager or 6281 1932
Healthy Kids, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Canteens
WEDNESDAY 4 DECEMBER the school will be holding our LAST special lunch day for the YEAR!
Children will receive a couple of party pies, drink and a treat for $6.00.
Gluten free and vegetarian options are available.
Order on Qkr!
No counter sales or other lunch orders will be available on that day.
As always the day would not be successful without any volunteer helpers.
Year 2 will be hosting the special lunch day. If you are a Year 2 parent/carer and can help out on the day (even for a short while)
please contact me at
Kindest Regards, Lauretta Raccosta “Mrs R”
Canteen Manager
Gardening Club Market Stall
We will be holding our Market Stall Thursday 21st November, before and after assembly, which takes place at 2.15pm.
We have beetroot, snow peas, spinach, rosemary and lots of lettuce.
If you’d like to purchase any produce from our garden we’d love to see you with a gold coin donation in the foyer.
Any money received further supports our garden.
Thank you
Our Christmas book fair is well under way but there are lots of books still available to buy! The fair does finish tomorrow at 4pm so don't miss out!
This year we have teamed up with St. Vincent de Paul so that we can share the gift of reading.
As a part of the fair, we are encouraging you to purchase a book from the fair to donate to a child in need.
Due to the advice provided to us by ACT Health, the Carols Picnic has been postponed until next Tuesday evening (17 December).
Garreth Wigg
Sts Peter & Paul families are invited to come and enjoy a relaxing evening together, outside on the school grounds in each other's company while Christmas hymns and songs aplenty fill the air.
Ice blocks will be provided for all students in attendance.
This is an alcohol-free event.