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Dear Parents and Carers
“Within a culture that emphasises the freedom of individuals to make whatever they wish of themselves and their world, remembering and honouring do not come easily. They require effort. Just as monasteries once preserved the seeds of renewal through dark ages, so must we labour to sustain memory, so that what is vital is not lost.”
Andrew Hamilton SJ, ‘Lent was never about just giving things up’
Last Wednesday, we celebrated Ash Wednesday with a whole school Mass in the hall. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent, which Christians around the world see as preparation for Easter. The Melbourne Jesuit priest Andrew Hamilton, in an insightful article for Eureka Street that clearly references current world events, suggests that Lent is not only about ‘giving things up,’ but is also about remembering people and events who we might too easily accommodate – too easily smooth over, albeit without realising we are doing so. Perhaps Lent this year could see us rise to the challenge of giving up forgetfulness, and ease, and accommodation with forces that reduce us to less than who we are. On an individual level, we make sense of this in our own way. At a communal level, communities and societies can stand in peaceful witness to the transformative power of the Easter message. Andrew Hamilton’s full article can be found here: Lent was never just about giving things up
Week 6 Happenings
This week sees, or has seen already, a number of important events take place for the school:
- On Tuesday, our Year 6 students participated in a Retreat Day, run by members of the Archdioscean Youth Ministry team. Personnel from CE and Fr James were also in attendance.
- Yesterday and today, Sts Peter and Paul has held parent/teacher interviews for all classes and all grades. My thanks to the parent body for their support, to the teachers for their great commitment and to Sam Mance who has coordinated the event.
- NAPLAN began today, and continues over the next few days, for students in Years 3 and 5. My thanks to the students for their hard work, their parents and teachers for their support, and to Sam Mance, Fron Garrett-Rumba and Paul Jenkins, for coordinating the school’s involvement in NAPLAN.
- Also taking place over the course of the week is some PL for teachers, in Religious Education, coordinated by Catholic Education. ‘Communities of Colloboration’ sees teachers gather on Teams, with other teachers from other schools who also teach the same grade, as well as CE personnel, and collaborate on RE programs using the Brisbane RE curriculum. My thanks to Andrea McQuirk for coordinating our involvement.
- Friday sees our annual Swimming Carnival take place. A mighty vote of thanks to Luke Gubler for coordinating this event.
Colour Run
Our Colour Run is taking place on Friday next week. It promises to be a wonderful occasion. My thanks to Karina Jones for coordinating the event on behalf of the parent body, and my thanks too to Talena Benedet and the CC for their support of the program. The school has already exceeded the fundraising target. My thanks to the parent body for their great support.
Week 7
Next week, I am away for two days, and am attending a Principal Development course in Melbourne, run by the brown collective. A number of principals from Catholic Education within our archdiocese, and from around the country, will be attending in Melbourne. I am away from Tuesday afternoon and will be back at school on Friday. Sam Mance will very capably lead the school in my absence.
Have a wonderful week with your families.
Best wishes
Cameron Johns
First Reconciliation
Due to priest availability the time for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation on the 8th of April has been moved from 6pm to 6:30pm.
Please continue to keep our First Reconciliation Candidates in your prayers in the lead up to the Sacrament on the 8th of April. All of Year 3 will participate in a Retreat Day at Holy Trinity on Friday the 28th of March to ensure they are prepared for this occasion.
Holy Trinity School Hall 9.15am–2.30pm Friday 28th March (date confirmed) 18 Theodore Street, Curtin |
Holy Trinity Church, Curtin 6:30pm Tuesday, 8 April 2025 |
Lent is a special time in our school community—a season of reflection, renewal, and growth. It is an opportunity to pause, think about our actions, and consider how we can become better people.
During this time, we are invited to focus on three important things: prayer, fasting, and giving to others. Prayer helps us connect with God and reflect on what truly matters. Fasting is not just about giving something up but about making space in our lives for kindness and gratitude. Giving reminds us to care for those in need, whether through a kind word, a helping hand, or supporting those less fortunate, in our school community we focus on giving during Lent through our work with Project Compassion. Please see below to learn more about our Project Compassion initiative for 2025.
As we journey through Lent together, let’s take small steps to be more compassionate, patient, and generous. May this season inspire us to grow in faith, hope, and love as a school community.
"Be kind and compassionate to one another" (Ephesians 4:32).
Project Compassion
This Lent, our school is proud to support Project Compassion 2025, Caritas Australia's annual initiative to help vulnerable communities create brighter futures. Through generosity, prayer, and action, we can make a real difference in the lives of those in need.
Students will learn about inspiring stories of resilience and hope while participating in fundraising activities to support this vital cause. Each class will have a Project Compassion Box in their classroom for students to bring in their donations to help support communities in need. We kindly ask that you help us work together to support this great cause. Every donation, big or small, helps transform lives.
Let’s work together to bring compassion to life this Lent!
Help us help people like Lam.
Second Sunday in Lent, Year C Luke 9: 28-36 The Transfiguration
The dominant theme in the Scripture readings of today is that looking beyond the surface and the immediate. Abram receives an invitation from God to look upwards and try to count the stars to comprehend something of God’s infinity. In the transfiguration of Jesus, we learn that the Divine is not about looking beyond but looking more deeply at what is in the here and now. Like Abram’s stars, the transformation of Jesus is captured in light. Teilhard de Chardin uses the word ‘diaphanous’ to portray what he describes as the thin veil between what we immediately see and what is beyond the concrete and the visible but still present in it. Peter expresses the natural human tendency of holding onto something, when he speaks of ‘building three tents’. However, Jesus helps him to realise the impossibility of his impulse. Such transforming encounters are stored in the heart, not in man-made tents. Here they are deepened and kept alive through the cycle of remembering, sharing, prayer and reflection.
From God’s Word, Daily Reflections, 2025
Yours in Christ,
Andrea McQuirk
Religious Education Coordinator
School-Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPB)
At Saints Peter and Paul our students are supported by a School- Wide Positive Behaviour framework that was developed by our school community to develop a positive, safe, and supportive learning culture.
The framework improves the social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for our students.
Our three expectations, Succeeding Together Safely underpin everything we do here at Sts Peter and Paul Primary School.
Our goal for Weeks 6 and 7 is
Pause and Think: Stop before you act or speak to make a good choice.
Week 6 | ||
Swimming Carnival | Friday 14 March | Lakeside Leisure Centre, Tuggeranong |
NAPLAN - Year 3 & Year 5 | Thursday 13 March | |
Week 7 | ||
NAPLAN - Year 3 & Year 5 |
Monday 16 March Tuesday 17 March |
Colour Run Fundraising Event | Friday 21 March | |
Week 8 | ||
Community Council Meeting | Tuesday 25 March, 6.30pm | |
Reconciliation Retreat Day |
Friday 28 March | Holy Trinity, Curtin |
to those students who are celebrating their birthday this week
Jack G
Ryan R
Leo A
Levi G
Colour Run - Friday 21 March
Children to attend school dressed in their white t-shirt, shorts/leggings/track-pants and runners. Remember to bring a dark towel for pick up as your child may have coloured, wet clothes (it does wash out!). If your child would not like to participate, please let their teacher know.
We graciously thank the Sts Peter and Paul community for their generosity thus far. Support for our inaugural Colour Run fundraising event has been phenomenal. Parents and carers are doing an amazing job of getting donations sorted in the lead up to the event. Please keep it up for the final 2 weeks!
Prizes: you will be able to select your child's Colour Run prize/s after the event, only via the website:
All prizes will be delivered to the school and distributed to classrooms.
A big thank you to Planet6 Technologies Pty Ltd who have generously donated equipment needed to make this years Colour Run extra fun!
Best wishes, School Community Council.
Journey with Jesus
“The Journey With Jesus” retreat day was not what it seemed, we thought it was going to be no fun and games but it was the exact opposite. All of the youth ministers there were so lovely and encouraging, we didn’t want the day to end. The day was about guiding us as leaders with help from God's love. We learned about salvation and forgiveness.
During the retreat day, the youth ministers explained the bible in an exquisite way that nobody would think of, using items in a backpack. They told us about lots of things using metaphors, a water bottle representing God's love, a torch representing Jesus’ guiding light, not to mention a first aid kit representing God’s protection, forgiveness and healing.
We played lots of games that were learning in disguise opportunities. Our favourite was the balloon origin based on state of origin footy. We learned that during our lives we may have moments where we feel overwhelmed, or on our own, but Jesus is always there for us and is the one voice that we can always listen to.
For all of the future Year 6 leaders, we hope you enjoy this day to the fullest, and learn how to become leaders of the school just like we have today in this special time.
~ David & Audrey Year 6 ~
Last Friday we had a fantastic time at B.Firm! We completed lots of fun activities that pushed us to our limits. We did activities like the mud run, a tyre run, ninja wall, climbing a cargo net and the push up pit.
The push up pit was a pit of mud that we obviously had to do push-ups in, it was very hard because my hands kept slipping. The cargo net was a big net that we had to climb to the top and come back down the other side. It was exciting to climb, I was proud that I made it. The ninja wall was a big wall which you had to run up and climb to the top of. We all supported each other to get up, I was so happy when I got to the top.
B.Firm was great for leadership because we learned to work together as a team. Our instructor was strict but really nice and she made sure we pushed ourselves out of our comfort zones in a good way.
I can’t wait to do it again soon!
by Poppy
This term at B.Firm our grade faced many challenges and overcame many fears and we did it together as a team. Our instructor was lovely but tough and strict on us about our behaviour and attitude. The most challenging part was when we needed to run through the sticky mud. If we talked during the instruction the consequence was jump squats or push ups in the push up pit. The pit was filled with dry mud and sharp rocks. The most hilarious part was that many people managed to leave them behind and we were not allowed to go back and scavenge them. It was too dangerous. So they were lost forever. The best team work activity was when we were blinded with goggles. Our partners guided us through the obstacle course. I made my partner crawl for ages because it was funny and Mr Jenkins suggested I should. A little bit cruel but fun! Another exercise was to run up a curved angled wall and our classmates helped us by pushing our feet up. It was the most challenging and rewarding day and our grade can’t wait to visit again.
By Lexie
B firm was easily my favourite experience I’ve participated in at this school. This year our teachers so kindly gave us the unforgettable opportunity to attend the B.Firm day camp. At first I was a little skeptical about B.Firm as it sounded strict and not as fun as it really was. However after arriving my mind changed and it automatically became my absolute favourite. My peers and teachers were really encouraging and we got to have so much fun and even a laugh. It was really a variety of different activities each crucial for our leadership and extremely memorable. This camp can build up leadership skills like no one else, I learnt courage, gained strength, built confidence and learned strategy more than I ever have. In conclusion, B.Firm was a roller coaster I wish to ride again.
by Massimo M
At B.Firm we enjoyed a lot of fun things like the mud run. First we put our bags in the tent and then we started. The worse thing was if we talked while the instructor was talking, the consequences were that we had to do push-ups and squats.
One time we had to do push ups in the mud pits and that was the worst! I liked rope walking between trees. I learned to work together with my friends. It was a fabulous day!
By Risav
Last week Year 6 went to B-Firm boot camp. At B.Firm we did lots of fun activities. B.Firm was challenging but in a fun way. It pushes a lot of people out of their comfort zones. Some things that were challenging for me were the warped wall and the cargo net. Things that were fun were the rope walking and the obstacle course. The mud run was challenging but fun and dirty. Also don’t bring your best clothes to wear back from the mud run. This was a great experience and built my leadership skills a lot more. It also taught me to step out of my comfort zone. It is a great place with friendly staff and friendly people.
Lilah J
Community Reading Program
To celebrate the rich diversity of cultures within our school community, I am working to develop a bilingual section in the library. My goal is to give students the opportunity to engage with multiple languages through literacy.
This project is just beginning, and so far, we have started by purchasing Japanese and Arabic books, which will soon be available for borrowing. However, I would love input from our wider community on which other languages to include.
Beyond simply building a bilingual collection, I also hope to host a Community Languages Day as part of our Reading Celebration event. On this special day, I would like to invite community members to read books in their native languages while students follow along with the English translations, creating a shared reading experience.
If you have suggestions for languages to include or would like to be involved, please email me at
I look forward to hearing your ideas and working together to bring this project to life!
Keep reading
This week in the kitchen was very exciting (as usual!!) as the children were able to use our wonderful zucchini's and make a healthy slice to enjoy. What a fabulous feat to do paddock to plate at Sts P&P.
In the garden we continue to have great turn out for garden club and our new garden club leaders all buddied up with our younger ones to water, weed and harvest.
We weeded our Indigenous bed so we can now plant some more seedlings next week.
Due to our swimming carnival garden club won't be on this Friday.
Please email me if you have any questions
The Garden Club
Mrs Birch & Mrs Moore

1/2 cup zucchini
1 cup mixed berries
2 & 1/2 cups self raising flour
1 cup coconut
2/3 cup sugar
1 cup milk
2 eggs
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
150 g butter, melted
Preheat oven to 200 degrees, grease and line a loaf tin with baking paper.
Sift flour and cinnamon into a large bowl, add sugar and coconut and mix, make a well in centre of mixture.
Whisk eggs, milk, vanilla and butter in a separate bowl and gently fold this into the dry ingredients.
Fold in the mixed berries until just combined.
Fill tin with mixture and bake for 45 mins, until golden.
Families are required to place ALL lunch orders via Qkr! before 8.45am
Please purchase over-the-counter sale items (snacks & treats) for your child in a lunch order.
Purchase a “daily counter sales voucher” via Qkr! for your child to go to the canteen to collect items at lunchtime.
Time | Wednesday 19 March | Thursday 20 March | Friday 21 March |
9-11.30 | HELP NEEDED PLEASE | Lucy W | Talena B |
Thank you, helpers; your assistance is very much appreciated!
Please contact me if you are unable to assist on your day.
Parent/carer helpers are most welcome in the Canteen.
A lending hand is always required and very much appreciated.
Helping in the Canteen is a great opportunity to meet new people and make a valuable contribution to the school.
No doubt your child will get a buzz from seeing you at the school.
So, if you have any spare time and would like to help out in the canteen, PLEASE feel free to contact me through email at or click on the link below to add your selected time to the roster.
All volunteers must have a WWVP card.
Qkr! TIP
Is your child sick and not going to school, and you have placed a lunch order on Qkr!?
You have till 8.45am that morning to cancel the lunch order - instructions on how to cancel lunch orders are below.
Swimming Carnival MEAL DEAL Friday 14 March
Are you in Kinder, Year 1 or Year 2 and staying at school?
Well, don’t be sad because Mrs R has a special meal deal for you in the canteen that day!
Cost $7.00
Menu: Hot meal with a fruit popper, hello panda biscuits, summer jelly and skittles.
Orders can be made via Qkr! up to 8.45am morning of the swimming carnival (Friday 14 March)
Please note the above set menu is the only food available for students on that day and is ONLY AVAILABLE FOR KINDER, YEAR 1 & YEAR 2 STUDENTS.
8.30 – 9.30AM
The Uniform Shop is a service for the parents and children.
We sell New & Quality Second-hand school clothing, and all money raised goes back to the school to provide resources for the children.
The School Uniform is available via Qkr!
Tuesdays - Fridays, orders will be delivered to your child’s classroom. Orders need to be placed before 8.45 am.
It is usual practice for most schools to offer second-hand clothing at the uniform shop to families at a discounted price. Quality second-hand clothing can only be purchased during uniform hours. We do understand that this may not be convenient for some families so please feel free to send me an email if you are unable to get to the uniform shop during opening hours and I will do my best to attend your needs.
The Uniform shop is stocked up with second hand uniform, please visit on a Tuesday morning to purchase second hand uniform.
Please note, the uniform shop is unable to accept donations during Term 1. The uniform shop is limited with space. Donations will be accepted again in Term 2.
Cost $10.
Are you having trouble finding a plain t-shirt for the carnivals?
We sell plain house colour t-shirts ready for the swimming carnival.
With 100% breathable soft cotton and UPF rated sun protection for year round.
Sizes range from 4-16. Available on Qkr!
Lauretta Raccosta
Uniform Shop
An Exciting Opportunity for Your Daughter at St Clare’s College!
The transition to Year 7 is an exciting milestone, and St Clare’s College is here to support your daughter every step of the way!
Inside this attachment, you'll find everything you need to explore St Clare’s vibrant school community—from personalised tours to hands-on workshops and special events designed to help your daughter feel right at home.
Spots for upcoming events are filling quickly, so don’t miss out!
Read on to discover how St Clare’s College can be the perfect place for your daughter to learn, grow, and thrive.