School Wide Positive Behaviour

At Saints Peter and Paul our students are supported by a School-Wide Positive Behaviour framework that was developed by our school community to develop a positive, safe, and supportive learning culture. The framework improves the social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for our students. In 2023, our School-wide Positive Behaviour framework was launched. The framework project involved students from Kinder to Year 6 and a group of teachers, who worked together to re-vision and re-write our school rules. Both the students and teachers wanted our expectations for behaviour to be positively phrased and fair for all. Our three expectations, Succeeding Together Safely underpin everything we do here at Sts Peter and Paul Primary School.

At Sts Peter and Paul, we are all SainTS - Succeeding Together Safely.


Succeeding means trying your best, having courage, and embracing challenges. 


Together means welcoming, supporting, and valuing everyone.



Safely means responding with respect.