Year 2 Home Learning


The teachers have prepared a pack of learning materials to support families with students isolating at home due to COVID contact and who are well enough to continue learning. These packs have been sent home with Year 2 students in Week 2. 

Spanish Home Learning

The following general activities can be accessed by families at any time. 


Fuse education is a Victorian resource with a wide range of subject matters and activities for your child. For Year 2 please select from either the early childhood or primary student activities.

Fun Brain  

Fun Brain is an education based website that uses animated activities to build skills in all areas.

Cool maths for kids   

Cool Maths for Kids uses activities to build knowledge of the different mathematical functions.

Maths is Fun

Maths is Fun has a variety of activities that covers a wide range of topics.

Maths Dictionary 

Maths Dictionary is a mathematics website that focuses on concept development. Printable resource.

Math Playground  

Math Playground is a variety website that has an array of activities for mathematics


Storybird gives your students access to a wide range of texts to read and enjoy.


IXL is a great resource that covers mathematics and english curriculum.

Reading eggs   

Is an ABC resource designed to assist your students develop their reading skills.

Friends of Ten App

Click here to view the Friends of Ten App  

Sunshine online 

Is a reading program (paid)

Scratch Jr  

Is a coding app to develop their computing skills.