The Kitchen Garden Program

Our kitchen garden was created to provide edible, aromatic and beautiful resources for our school kitchen and in turn, teach our students about the natural world. Students develop an appreciation for growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing seasonal produce that uses all the senses. Gardening Club encourages students to help care for our garden and gather and share some fruits and vegetables with the school community.

At Saints Peter and Paul we have a dedicated and appropriately sized kitchen for children to learn basic kitchen skills. The cooking classes are adjacent to the student run vegetable garden .

The cooking program is linked closely with the schools health curriculum, giving children practical cooking experience while following the Australian Healthy Eating Guidelines

The children enjoy cooking various recipes while learning about healthy eating, team work and learning how to use a variety of equipment and utensils  in the kitchen. They sit together at the end of each session to eat and share what they have cooked.

Sushi - Year 4 (3).jpg